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发布时间:2024-09-11 15:35 作者:rkjkys 浏览:

Research progress on the relationship between air pollutant exposure during early life and neurodevelopmental

disorders in children



Author: JIANG Yanyan, TAO Fangbiao, TONG Juan

Source: Jourmal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine

DOI: 10.11836/JEOM23448



In recent years, the effects of air pollutants on the development of the central nervous system have received widespread attention. Early life is a critical period of rapid brain development, and exposure to air pollutants during this time may permanently alter brain function. This paper mainly reviews the epidemiological studies on the association between exposure to air pollutants during early life and children's neurodevelopment in recent years, focuses on outdoor air pollutants (e.g., PM2.5, PM10, NOx, CO) and indoor air pollutants (e.g., cooking oil fumes, tobacco, and mosquito incense smoke, formaldehyde from home decoration), and summarizes their possible biological mechanisms. Most studies indicate that pollutants at different periods and levels of exposure during pregnancy can negatively affect children's neurodevelopment and that there may be a dose-response relationship between certain air pollutants and children's neurodevelopment. Current research on the effects of indoor air pollutants on children's neurodevelopment focuses on exposure to tobacco smoke, while other indoor air pollutants such as grease, oil smoke, and organic compounds produced by interior decorative materials have been less well reported and their underlying biological mechanisms are not yet clear and further epidemiologic studies, animal and cellular experiments are needed to provide evidence of the neurodevelopmental toxicity of air pollutant exposure in the future. In order to provide theoretical basis for environmental eugenics and promote the healthy development of children.

Keywords: neurodevelopment; children; outdoor air pollution; indoor air pollution; early-life exposure




