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发布时间:2024-10-12 14:42 作者:rkjkys 浏览:

The role of short-chain fatty acids in the action of the microbial-gut-brain axis on the development of neuropsychiatric disorders



作者:陈 露,陶芳标,黄 锟


DOI: 10.13325/j.cnki.acta.nutr.sin.20240912.002


摘 要

肠道微生物群在肠-脑轴信号传导过程中发挥重要作用,但是目前对于微生物-肠-脑(microbiota-gut-brain, MGB)相互交流的机制仍不明确。短链脂肪酸(short-chain fatty acids, SCFAs)作为关键的候选介质,可能在MGB交流中起重要作用。国内关于SCFAs与MGB关系的报道较少,本文就SCFAs的代谢和生理效应、与主要神经精神障碍发生的关联证据及其对肠-脑信号通路的可能作用途径作一综述,并探讨SCFAs与子代脑发育的跨代效应,为在我国开展该方面的研究提供思路和方向。



The intestinal microbiota plays an important role in the signaling process of the gut-brain axis, but the mechanism of microbiota-gut-brain (MGB) intercommunication is still unclear. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) may play an important role in MGB communication as a key candidate mediator. However, the potential mechanisms by which SCFAs affect brain physiology and behaviors have not been fully elucidated, and there are few reports on the relationship between SCFAs and MGB in China. We outline the metabolic and physiological actions of SCFAs, evidences for their association with the occurrence of major neuropsychiatric disorders, and their possible pathways of action on the gut-brain signaling pathway. The transgenerational effects of SCFAs on offspring brain development are also discussed.

